The world is negative. Anytime I start to dream, there are internal & external distractors ready to tell me how what I dream can not and will not happen. They detail all the dangers, pitfalls and awful things that await me. Their voice sounds like….

Don’t hope. Face reality. Just settle. Settle into safety. Settle into less than what I could be. Don’t brave the desert. Don’t brave the ocean. Don’t seek the courage and faith to take your 1st step. Just sit down like everyone else and settle.

What if I don’t pursue what God has put in me? What if the small flame that keeps me human, alive and connected to God is snuffed out? What if no one ever experiences God’s grace through my life? No doubt, trouble may come but what of the trouble of knowing, I never even tried. Have you ever felt that?

What does the most alive version of you look like? Do you even know? Why are we not trying to become that version of ourselves everyday? Our reasons for holding back may be legitimate, but the world is worse off for us not walking out our God-given calling and dreams. “Let your light shine before men”- Matt. 5:16

In Numbers 13, God told the Israelite leaders to trust him and fight for what He had given them (i.e. the land). Moses send out 10 leaders for 40 days to check out how the circumstances looked. When they arrived back, 8 out of 10 leaders told everyone they were going to fail based on what they saw. They said all they held dear would be killed and destroyed. Sound familiar? One of the older leaders, Caleb was the 1st to speak positive words. He said “ We can certainly do it.”

Eventually, a younger leader Joshua joined him. Sometimes, you have to be the 1 out of 9 believing God before others will join you. So there they were, the 2 crazies who believed God could, in fact fulfill his word along with their hopes and dreams. Turns out they were the only 2 out of thousands who lived to see God fulfill His word.

After I read these scriptures I believe I heard ‘Be the voice of Caleb in people’s lives. Be My voice of encouragement.” Within a year, the ideas for the Kindling Fire podcast and blog started to germinate.

The kindling fire is a metaphor for the divine spark inside us all. A small fire made up of small pieces of hopes and dreams, hardly enough to give much light or warmth. This little fire needs protection from the elements, fresh oxygen and new pieces of kindling to keep the fire going & growing. God’s intention is for our little fire to grow into a huge bonfire giving light and warmth to many. One must persevere through all the haters and circumstances to see your small fire reach it’s potential. But I believe that you can and you will with God’s help.

To get practical steps to keep your fire burning download my free e-book- You can certainly do it!  

About the Author

I am a fierce Jesus follower, husband of 1 beautiful wife , father of 4 amazing people & a restless creative. Former hardcore punk singer, youth pastor, busker, drug counselor, train hopper, long boarder, exotic fruit farmer, missionary, hitchhiker & Seminarian. Current blogger, podcaster, and corporate cubicle farm dweller in marketing.

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Karen Gilbert - 6 years ago Reply

This was right on time. I needed this today

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