I’ve had a terrible relationship with time. As long as I can remember, I’ve been at odds with time. Time was my enemy not my friend. I was always running out of time. I was always late. I was supposed to arrive at some place in my life, some level of stability, skill, success, title, etc.. but I was late. Ive spent most of my life in a rush because time is running out and I’m late already. I can’t recover the past when I “should of” done this or that. Now I’m late. My future is coming too soon. Im running behind in my present so I won’t have enough time to be ready. As the seconds tick  my stress level increases. Vacation? Rest? Who has time for that? Every second that goes by is another second I’m behind where I ‘should’ be.  No one else is slowing down.  I’m at a disadvantage. Others are burning the candle at both ends, stuffing as much as they can within their days. If I slow down, opportunity will pass me in a New York minute. What an anxious miserable way to live!

Can anyone else relate?

Scripture is changing my perspective on time and it is awesome! When there seems to be nothing happening while I am inactive, God is active!

He is the God ‘who acts on behalf of those who wait on him’ Isa 64:4

God is using time for my benefit, for my welfare. He is coordinating events, people, circumstances on my behalf and for his purposes! He is aligning circumstances and time for an awesome moment that I’ve yet to experience. All the while I’m freaking out! Where is my faith? In God or in my wrong perspectives of time.

Here is another scripture, for when I exhaust myself with my wrong perspectives.

“Those who wait for him will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles and they will run and not grow weary” Isa 40:31a

My wait time is when my strength is “renewed”! To prepare me to Soar and Run! To protect the strengthening process God  said to “be anxious for nothing!” Phil. 4:6

It is so easy to get anxious when “nothing is happening” based on my incorrect perspective. I spend my downtime in anxiety. No wonder I never get around to soaring, running or living the abundant life Jesus said he had for me.

My perspective and viewpoints needs to transform to actually experience His goodness.

“Be transformed by the renewing of our minds”- Rom 12:2

Instead of believing it is all up to me in this life and time is my enemy. I believe I have a loving Father who using time to bless me and those around me.

In repentance and rest is my salvation, in quiet and trust is my strength”- Isa. 30:15

What an amazing God I serve! He gives me more than enough time, an abundance of time in fact so I can do all I am to do in my lifetime! I can have an amazing life because I belong to an amazing God.

Thank you God for renewing my perspective about the gift of time!

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About the Author

I am a fierce Jesus follower, husband of 1 beautiful wife , father of 4 amazing people & a restless creative. Former hardcore punk singer, youth pastor, busker, drug counselor, train hopper, long boarder, exotic fruit farmer, missionary, hitchhiker & Seminarian. Current blogger, podcaster, and corporate cubicle farm dweller in marketing.

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Brenda - 5 years ago Reply

Wow, thank you for this inspiring word that came at just the right “time”…. imagine that!! Ha!!

The Holy Spirit told me last night through another book I’m reading that “God is not in a hurry”… I needed to hear that. And then this morning your instant message blog popped up. No coincidences in the kingdom of God! Thank you again! Keep using your gift to aspire the body of Christ.

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