I have a love/hate relationship with Bread & Chips. I hate that I love them sooooooo much! I’d come home from work on so many nights and cracker binge, chip binge, and bread binge. Ugh! This has been going on for some time to the dismay of my waistline.

I’d feel bad about myself after one of these pre-dinner binge fest and post-dinner if truth be told. But one thing I did when I awoke in the morning is I’d tell myself…

Today is a new day to eat less.

Regardless if I did well or sucked at doing well..the next morning I would tell myself the same thing.
You see, I knew I could do better because I had in the past. I reminded myself every morning, ‘today is a new day to make choices that could change the current patterns in my life.’
A single day has power. The power to get your MOJO back in a particular area of your life. This is not just about food.
I know from experience it is easier to maintain a good habit than change a bad habit from a standing start. Or put another way it’s easier to maintain MOJO than create MOJO.
But Your MOJO is waiting. It is waiting for you inside of your next good decision, after the next. Continue down that path and BOOM you look back and see you got your MOJO back.
Will you fail? maybe. How bout another question. What will you believe about yourself & your ability to change the next morning after you fail? That is the real question.
What got me over the hump was when my wife said she was going to make an eating change too. I was no longer alone. I had a friend (my beautiful wife) who also wanted to move in the same direction. Having spent most of my life as a ‘I’ll do it myself guy.’ This was really nice and better.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4:9-10‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Claim every victory you can, in your Day. It only takes 1 good day to get your MOJO back.
Here to your comeback!

About the Author

I am a fierce Jesus follower, husband of 1 beautiful wife , father of 4 amazing people & a restless creative. Former hardcore punk singer, youth pastor, busker, drug counselor, train hopper, long boarder, exotic fruit farmer, missionary, hitchhiker & Seminarian. Current blogger, podcaster, and corporate cubicle farm dweller in marketing.

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