Category Archives for "Creativity"

The punk song that made me cry

When I first heard the song, I immediately teared up. COME ON, it’s a punk song. Why am I crying? God was singing right to my young heart, word of healing. The song is about a girl in a talent show who sees how talented every else is around her. She is going to sing her […]

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When your cool gets old

What do you do when your cool gets old? Do you do what Napoleon Dynamite’s Uncle Rico did….? Keep replaying old video tapes trying to relive the ‘glory days’! For the first time I started feeling old.  I try to stay trendy in what I wear but when I went to my closet the other day […]

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Created to Create

Start nothing …fail at nothing Create nothing … Be criticized for nothing Risk nothing … Believe for nothing Created in Gods image… For nothing? No, a 1000 times no! You bear Gods image for something beatiful that brings life! Create, Risk, Reveal the glory that is hiding in you. We need you, we need to […]

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