1 second of fame is all you get today. It used to be you would get 15 seconds of fame. But not any more. The 1000 or 10000 likes will amount to 1 second of attention someone gave you while they scroll through their feed.

God did not design us to be satisfied with 1 second of someone’s attention. You are more valuable than 1 second. He designed  you for a life of God’s  full attention to your heart, your life, your thoughts, and your dreams.

The world only gives you 1 second and that is only if you meet their standard of “worthiness” of 1 second of their time. Yet God thinks you are so worthy, He gave his very life to destroy the barrier between you and him. What Love!

And you wonder why you are so thirsty. You wonder why all that 1 second of attention does not satisfy.  It is because 1 second is hardly enough to satisfy your thirsty souls.

God designed you for a rich and full life of relationship with Him and his family. God designed you to be completely loved and known.  “but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.”- 1Cor 13:12 (NLT)

That is where true deep satisfaction comes from. Being loved by God and loving him and other in response. So get off the social media treadmill of dissatisfaction and disappointment.

Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.- John 7:37

About the Author

I am a fierce Jesus follower, husband of 1 beautiful wife , father of 4 amazing people & a restless creative. Former hardcore punk singer, youth pastor, busker, drug counselor, train hopper, long boarder, exotic fruit farmer, missionary, hitchhiker & Seminarian. Current blogger, podcaster, and corporate cubicle farm dweller in marketing.

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